During the week

Hope Explored

Hope Explored

All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored is a three-session series about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that...

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

At Wyong Anglican Church, we love to help our children learn more about God and his word at a level they can understand.

Community Fun

Community Fun

As a community, we love getting together and enjoying one another's company.

Growth Groups

Growth Groups

We’d love to explore with you, and find the answers together.

Mid-week Holy Communion Service

Mid-week Holy Communion Service

On Wednesdays at 10am we hold a shortened service of Holy Communion with a special focus on the aged and weary and anyone who finds it hard to get to church on Sundays.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

For if you are in need, require prayer or someone just to talk to.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

We value the opportunity for relationship building and outreach and getting together for regular activities.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

ROSE Women’s MinistryROSE Women’s Ministry is a God centered Study, Service, Social and Support Group.Held once a term mostly on Saturday afternoons, for women, especially those working, who are unable...

Mother's Union

Mother's Union

A mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia to bring about a world where God's love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.