Our beliefs are based on God’s revelation of himself in the Bible. Through reading the Bible we can know who God is, his plans for this world and for us.
The Bible reveals God as one unique and eternal God, who exists in an everlasting loving relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit – one God in three persons.
God is sovereign in all things. And the Bible is sufficient for knowing God.
The Bible also teaches that men and women are created in the image of God, and therefore enjoy a unique dignity in creation and a unique relationship with God.
Tragically, human nature is universally sinful. We turn away from God and reject His will for our lives. This leaves us under the wrath and condemnation of God.
But God loves humanity so much he did not want to leave us where we are in rebellion against Him. He desires relationship with us and has made that possible through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is both fully God and truly human. He entered fully into human experience, enduring temptation, suffering and death. He was perfectly obedient to God his father.
In his death Jesus took on himself the consequences of human sin, but on the third day he rose from the dead bodily and is now exalted as ruler over all.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
God offers us salvation: the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternal life through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute.
God’s gift of salvation is entirely of God’s grace and not of human merit or works. Only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ can the consequences of sin be removed.
The Holy Spirit enables us, the sinner to repent (turn away from sin) and put our faith in Jesus Christ.
Although we enjoy now the blessing of union with Christ and secure relationship with God, we await the final consummation of our hope with the return of Christ, the resurrection of our bodies and life with him eternally.
If you would like to know more about this Jesus who loves you, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch or come along to one of our services.